Technical Committee

Technical Committee Member Criteria

  1. Food Professional
  2. Minimum 15 years of working experience in any food related sector
  3. Minimum 5 years working experience as a Technical Head in any food operation 


  1. This role is a voluntary role to serve the food community for the greater interest of public health and humanity
  2. This role may or may not require time, depending you the nature, scale and type of information to be reviewed technically
  3. The expected time which may require, on an average, is an hour per month which you can spare any time suitable for you
  4. The main role is to technically review and validate the contents of speeches, presentation and posters
  5. Review the WFSD program and proceeding for effective utilization of event timings
  6. Suggesting and selecting competent food professionals to chair, moderate, speak at the WFSD programs
  7. Support the WFSD Management to connect and associate all the food chain stakeholders
  8. Attend the World Food Safety Day (WFSD) events to chair and / or moderate any session as per availability and suitability
  9. You will be “Technical Committee Member” in personal capacity and nothing to do with your current employer.
  10. You shall advise to WFSD Management to mention or not to mention your current designation and / or organization’s name in the World Food Safety Day (WFSD) related documented information anywhere, in any form & at any level.
  11. Technical Committee Members details will be uploaded on World Food Safety Day website and related documented information to “Recognize” your efforts for WFSD programs
  12. You will be awarded with a “Certificate” mentioning that you have played a role as a Technical Committee Member for WFSD Program
  13. You will be eligible to get “Personalized Poster” from WFSD Media Team which can be used to portray your role in the professional forums and social media.
  14. You can write a “key Message” which you believe is good for food professionals and the same key note will be used by WFSD Management to make it publicly available

Technical Committee Members

Ali Zaatar

Quality Manager at Kerry I LSSGB TQM I Food Defense I FS Lead Auditor HACCP I ISO I Lead Auditor I AIB Quality Assurance

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